Assignment Customization with Game Locks
Hey there, teachers!
We are excited to discuss one of Boddle’s new features, game locks!
🚀 What are Game Locks?
Game locks are a new feature that allow teachers to temporarily lock parts of the game (like shopping, customizations, and the Buddy List). You can either lock the game for a set number of minutes or a number of answered questions.

As a teacher, you get to customize and control the parameters of the game lock. Then, once the parameters have been met, the game will automatically unlock, and students will return to a normal set up.
🚀 Why They are Beneficial?
Temporarily locking the game gives students more time to practice math content and focus on learning the material. Teachers can be assured that students are indeed spending time in class working and learning rather than playing and designing their Boddle outfits (no matter how cool they are).
Game locks are also super helpful when preparing for tests. By locking the game, students will have ample time to practice and study material for the upcoming tests. Teachers can control what skills their students practice during this time and get helpful data without fear of the gameplay slowing learning down.
From a student perspective, game locks can also benefit them. Aside from getting in more practice, students will also increase the coins and rewards they earn as they spend more time building their knowledge and skills. After, they can spend those coins on items they really want, rewarding them for their hard work!
🚀 How to Turn Game Locks On
Turning game locks on is easy! They’re located in the teacher dashboard, under the “Home” button. From there, you can easily toggle them off and on.
Once game lock is on, you can customize how long it will last and what parameters you’d like your students to meet before they can access certain parts of the game.