LEANLAB research finds that Boddle is a helpful tool for teachers

Throughout 18 interviews with teachers and a comprehensive survey, Boddle Learning was consistently shown to provide value to the teachers and students using it.
The research was conducted in collaboration with LEANLAB Education, a nonprofit organization that pairs school districts and edtech companies to research emerging classroom innovations.
Boddle is backed by research to help teachers...
Supplement curriculum.
Teachers involved in the research study found Boddle beneficial as a supplement to their existing math instruction. Since Boddle Learning is aligned with state standards, teachers can deliver the material in a fun and engaging way while still being rigorous enough as an effective supplemental tool for students.
“Boddle provides rigorous instruction that I can add to their math instruction as a supplement.”
Save time.
Teachers using Boddle as a supplement in the classroom report that it gives them more time to plan lessons, leading to increased productivity and work-life balance for teachers. This also allows for more productive teaching time with students.
One teacher shared, “It does give me 20 mins/25 mins time to plan for the next day. So it’s fairly efficient in that way and helpful to me.”
Identify and close learning gaps.
The research report found that Boddle’s Learning Gaps report increases the effectiveness of teachers’ lessons by identifying which skills teachers need to be focused on. The learning gaps report also helps teachers identify students needing more one-on-one attention and instruction.
“Boddle helps me catch up with my students...and [identify] which skills need to be taught better -- because all these kids are struggling with it. So I can identify what I need to teach.”
“It has for sure helped me find missing skills. The learning gaps report is really helpful. Then it helps me differentiate between teaching and learning.”
Tackle summer learning loss.
The learning gaps reports also help teachers work with students to create a plan for the summer so students can start the new school year on the right foot.
According to one teacher, “It’s been helpful to curate work - to identify which kids are missing which skills...and then I know what to send home and that they know what to work on in the summer.”
Differentiate learning.
Boddle is an adaptive learning tool, so students who may be behind can practice and get back on track through Boddle. LEANLAB's research concluded that students of all levels received appropriate content and support. In the words of one teacher, “Boddle is adaptive, so students that are behind are kept on Boddle longer.”
Research-backed ways to use Boddle:
Make a plan to use Boddle regularly at the beginning of the semester.
The teachers surveyed agreed that establishing a consistent routine at the beginning of the semester helps integrate Boddle more effectively.
Use it in intervals of 20 minutes a day.
According to the study, teachers had their students use Boddle for about 20 minutes a day, on average, which they found to be the appropriate length of time for optimal student engagement.

Assign Boddle as homework.
With Boddle's Assignments feature, teachers can assign exercises to their classes as homework, offering a fun alternative to traditional math homework assignments like worksheets. Teachers expressed that Boddle was effective for use when students were at home. Boddle made assigning work quick and easy.

Use it as practice after introducing a concept.
Boddle functioned well as an activity that helped students review math lessons and enhance their understanding.
“It has helped me a lot giving them something to do after finishing an assignment," one teacher shared.
“Boddle has helped us make math more engaging. It's a fun way to practice skills. It's more engaging than IXL. It's given us an extra resource and reinforces what we are teaching. It's a really good extra practice.”
Use it in small groups and at learning stations.
The research report discovered that Boddle was effective for classroom use in small group settings and learning stations.
“It’s something extra for them to work on. It’s really helpful during small group time. It’s like they need that extra practice,” one teacher shared.
Simple and Easy-To-Use Tool for Teachers
LEANLAB's research showed that teachers found Boddle to be an easy and accessible product to use and navigate.
- Because it is integrated with Clever and Google Classroom, Boddle makes rostering easy for teachers.
- All teachers reported that Boddle's training process was “easy and accessible.”
- All teachers reported that the Boddle's customer support staff was easy to contact and quick to respond and answered questions effectively.
Research-Based Product Improvements
Boddle Learning takes the advice and suggestions from teachers seriously. Boddle has implemented the following features and changes based on the feedback from the study:
- A "Remember Me" button for easier and quicker student log-in.
- A snapshot page on the teacher dashboard that gives classroom-level metrics.
- A visual representation on the snapshot page to be able to show teachers who their class is doing and how each individual compares.
- Redesigned professional development sessions (30 min of PD and 15 min of Q&A) that covers an overview of Boddle, how to use it in the classroom, and how to use the reporting tools.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Boddle is effective in a wide range of learning environments
Boddle Learning is committed to ensuring equity and reducing opportunity gaps across the country. One of Boddle's goals is to make sure every child is able to foster a love of learning and develop educationally, regardless of race, zip code, or socioeconomic status.
LEANLAB's research was conducted in two diverse schools, Guadalupe Centers and Citizens of the World KC. A majority of the students were eligible for free and reduced lunch. A majority were English Language Learners. The students had a diverse range of racial and ethnic backgrounds.
LEANLAB research has found that Boddle is a helpful supplemental tool for teachers. With the power to assist teachers with providing individualized learning, differentiated instruction, small group work, and closing learning gaps, Boddle helps teachers ensure that every child is given a fair chance at success. Boddle will continue to take an evidence-based approach to making sure that our product is a helpful tool forteachers and improves math learning outcomes for K-6 students in schools across the country.
If you want more details about the study, you can view or download the PDF of the LEANLAB study here.
For questions on school-wide PD and training, contact edna@boddlelearning.com