Why Boddle Premium?

At Boddle, we believe in making learning fun and effective for both students and teachers. While our free account offers a wealth of resources and engaging content, Boddle Premium takes the experience to a whole new level. Here’s why upgrading to Boddle Premium is worth it for your child's educational journey.
💙 We Love Both Teachers and Students
Boddle provides tools that allow teachers and parents to monitor student progress in real-time. This means you can see exactly what questions your child got right or wrong, along with their answers. This visibility helps identify gaps in learning and areas that need more focus.
For students, Boddle makes learning Math and ELA fun by incorporating questions into engaging gameplay. They become fluent in these subjects without even realizing they’re learning because they’re having so much fun! Each question comes with a lesson video to watch if they’re stuck, and an easy-to-understand rationale if they get an answer wrong. Plus, Boddle’s adaptive learning automatically adjusts the difficulty based on your child's needs, ensuring they are always challenged just the right amount.
Additionally, Boddle is Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA) compliant, so you can be confident that your children and their information are safe with us.
⭐ What’s Included in a Free Account?
A free Boddle account already offers incredible value:
- Access to all Math and ELA content, with over 35,000 questions aligned with 1,000 standards.
- Fun mini-games, including Pet Battles and 6 arcade games.
- Daily login rewards and the free Boddle Pass that rewards students based on their activity.
- Daily and weekly quests to keep the learning experience dynamic.
🤩 What’s in a Premium Boddle Subscription?
A Boddle Premium subscription includes everything from the free account plus a lot more:
- Premium Boddle Pass: 500 Boddle Bucks, 10+ exclusive items, more surprise boxes, materials, and gold.
- 1,200 Boddle Bucks every month.
- Access to premium-only items in the shop.
- Additional 2 daily quests and 1 weekly quest.
- An additional daily log-in reward.
- Pet Battles Perks: +25% XP for battling baddies, bonus prizes, and a tripled daily battle point limit.
🚀 Why Upgrade to Boddle Premium?
While Boddle Premium is not required, it significantly enhances the gameplay and learning experience. On average per month, Premium users:
- Complete 351% more math problems.
- Master 44% more math and ELA skills.
- Score 14% higher on math and ELA assessments.
These statistics show that Boddle Premium isn’t just about extra perks—it’s proven to motivate kids to learn more and achieve better results.
However, it’s important to note that every child using Boddle, regardless of subscription, receives access to our high-quality educational content. Our freemium model ensures that essential math and ELA content are freely available to all students. This means that children without Premium access still benefit from engaging, educational experiences that support their learning journey.
We believe in providing equitable education opportunities, so there are no unfair educational advantages between Premium and free users. Our primary goal is to ensure that all children, whether they opt for Premium or not, have the resources they need to succeed.
By upgrading to Boddle Premium, parents can enhance their child's learning experience with additional features and motivational tools, ensuring they get the most out of their time on Boddle.
🖥️ Healthy Screen Time and Accessibility
Boddle is designed to promote healthy screen time. It’s an educational tool that kids can use anywhere—at school or home, on tablets, desktops, or mobile devices. This flexibility ensures that learning can fit seamlessly into your child’s routine.
Teachers can also benefit from Boddle as an “early finisher” activity, or even create standards-aligned assignments and view student results in the teacher portal. These features allow for more targeted and effective instruction and provide valuable insights into student performance.
🔓Unlock Enhanced Learning with Boddle Premium
At Boddle, our priority is ensuring every child has the opportunity to learn in a way that resonates with them. Our platform empowers teachers and students with cost-free options for engaging, effective learning experiences. However, for those looking to enhance their learning journey, Boddle Premium offers additional features that keep kids even more engaged and motivated.
A basic Boddle account allows your child to access all learning content within Boddle and enjoy many in-game features. But with the Boddle Premium Membership, your child gets access to even more rewards and incentives, making learning even more exciting and rewarding.